Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chevron Nigeria National Scholarship Awards List of Successful Candidates is out!

Chevron Nigeria National Scholarship Awards List of Successful Candidates out! Chevron Nigeria Limited 2009 /2010 NNPC/Chevron National Scholarship Awards list is out! Chevron Nigeria Limited, operator of the NNPC/Chevron Joint Venture , is pleased to announce the Award of the 2009 / 2010 National Scholarship to the Nigerian undergraduates who were successful in the Aptitude Tests conducted in Abuja,
Lagos and Port Harcourt on Saturday, September 25 , 2010. All awardees have been contacted through personal E-mail and text messages. Awardees who did not receive the mail should send their personal e-mail addresses to “NMA National Scholarship ( NMANATSH)”. Awardees are required to complete and return the “NNPC/ Chevron JV Scholarship Competition Student Data Form” attached to the e- mail message sent to them on or before friday, January 7 , 2011. View the List of SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES>Check Tuesday Guardian January 4 , 2011 Edition Pages 41 to 45

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