“The best way to predict the future is to invest in it”. WARREN BUFFETT.
Whenever issues relating to investment are being discussed, many people seem to wave it aside or they look at it as something that can’t be done. The poor or middle class term investment to be for the rich.
It won’t be right to just discuss investment without knowing what it really means. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary tells us that when we invest, we “use money to buy e.g. shares or property, develop a business enterprise, etc in order to earn interest, bring profit or improve the quality of something”.
Before investments can be made, we have to put the art of saving into practice. This is because it is out of our savings that we invest. If you haven’t been investing, there is no cause for alarm as you can start now.
Most young people especially University undergraduates, like to spend money without considering the future. They feel because they have parents that readily provide what they need, they don’t need to save or invest. They fail to consider what happens if they lose their parents prematurely or if their parents lose their jobs. Though some people save money in their bank accounts, they still go on to withdraw and spend their savings because of the accessibility of the funds. If these funds are invested in a business or equity, it makes it not readily available to access and will serve the desired purpose.
To practice the art of investing, we must form it as a habit because it is not easy to imbibe. Many see money as what should only be spent and not as what should produce yields i.e. interests. Money is just like a seed, if not planted, it won’t multiply. The process of planting and harvesting money is investing.
Think about this, if young people can’t start investing their savings now, what will they do if they get married and own a family. Investments made now will help cater for the future.
It was said of a young graduate who got employment and immediately started investing part of his income in shares. As at last count, his investments rose to about Three hundred thousand naira (N300,000). Various investment opportunities abound today like investing in the stock market by buying shares, starting small businesses or involving in joint business ventures and other avenues.
You will agree with me that the right time to start investing is now and stop wasting money on irrelevant things like alcohol, confectionaries, etc.
Be wise, invest now.
#This is a publication of O-ONE KNCEPTZ - 08077159995
Whenever issues relating to investment are being discussed, many people seem to wave it aside or they look at it as something that can’t be done. The poor or middle class term investment to be for the rich.
It won’t be right to just discuss investment without knowing what it really means. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary tells us that when we invest, we “use money to buy e.g. shares or property, develop a business enterprise, etc in order to earn interest, bring profit or improve the quality of something”.
Before investments can be made, we have to put the art of saving into practice. This is because it is out of our savings that we invest. If you haven’t been investing, there is no cause for alarm as you can start now.
Most young people especially University undergraduates, like to spend money without considering the future. They feel because they have parents that readily provide what they need, they don’t need to save or invest. They fail to consider what happens if they lose their parents prematurely or if their parents lose their jobs. Though some people save money in their bank accounts, they still go on to withdraw and spend their savings because of the accessibility of the funds. If these funds are invested in a business or equity, it makes it not readily available to access and will serve the desired purpose.
To practice the art of investing, we must form it as a habit because it is not easy to imbibe. Many see money as what should only be spent and not as what should produce yields i.e. interests. Money is just like a seed, if not planted, it won’t multiply. The process of planting and harvesting money is investing.
Think about this, if young people can’t start investing their savings now, what will they do if they get married and own a family. Investments made now will help cater for the future.
It was said of a young graduate who got employment and immediately started investing part of his income in shares. As at last count, his investments rose to about Three hundred thousand naira (N300,000). Various investment opportunities abound today like investing in the stock market by buying shares, starting small businesses or involving in joint business ventures and other avenues.
You will agree with me that the right time to start investing is now and stop wasting money on irrelevant things like alcohol, confectionaries, etc.
Be wise, invest now.
#This is a publication of O-ONE KNCEPTZ - 08077159995
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